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Growth in New York egg industry

Growth in New York egg industry

By Blake Jackson

New York egg production rose by 1% in August 2024 compared to the previous year. The state produced a total of 150.2 million eggs, driven by a 3% increase in the number of laying hens. However, egg production per 100 layers declined by 2% to 2,601 eggs.

The increase in egg production was primarily due to an expansion of the laying flock. The total number of layers in New York during August 2024 averaged 5.77 million, up from 5.595 million in August 2023.

Despite the increase in egg production, the egg production per 100 layers decreased slightly. This could be attributed to various factors, such as changes in feed quality, disease outbreaks, or fluctuations in environmental conditions.

The increase in egg production in New York is a positive sign for the state's poultry industry. It indicates that the industry is growing and meeting consumer demand.

However, the decline in egg production per 100 layers suggests that there is room for improvement in the efficiency of egg production.

It is important to note that the egg industry is subject to fluctuations in production and demand. While New York experienced a slight increase in egg production during August 2024, the state's egg industry may face challenges in the future.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-evgenii-leontev

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Categories: New York, Government & Policy, Livestock

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