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New York 30x30 plan aims to boost farmland preservation

New York 30x30 plan aims to boost farmland preservation

By Blake Jackson

New York is aiming to enhance farmland preservation as part of its broader goal to conserve 30% of the state's lands and waters by 2030. This objective is outlined in the state's 30x30 draft plan, which is currently open for public comment until August 30.

The plan’s focus on preserving agricultural land is crucial for securing food production, alongside other goals such as conserving open space, protecting water resources and wildlife habitats, expanding public access to nature, and bolstering resilience against extreme weather events.

The strategy seeks to reinforce existing state conservation programs, like the Farmland Protection Implementation Grants, while also introducing new initiatives.

Lori Severino, spokesperson for the Department of Environmental Conservation, emphasized the ecological benefits of agricultural land, stating, “Agricultural land can provide important habitat for native species in New York, protect water resources and support open space conservation.”

Developed under a 2022 state law, the 30x30 strategy is a collaborative effort between the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

The New York Farm Bureau has expressed support for the plan, with its president, David Fisher, noting that preserving farmland not only honors farmers' contributions but also helps protect food sources, biodiversity, and climate resilience.

The 30x30 initiative is part of a global effort to address climate change and biodiversity loss. President Joe Biden committed the United States to these goals through a 2021 executive order, with several states, including New York, creating their own plans.

Currently, New York estimates that 22% of its lands and waters are already conserved, with significant portions in the Adirondack and Catskill parks and over 118,000 acres of farmland.

While some states, like California and Maryland, have included preserved farmland in their 30x30 goals, the initiative has faced opposition in other regions, particularly in the West.

Critics argue that the national strategy lacks clear definitions and threatens private property rights. However, New York's plan emphasizes voluntary land conservation agreements and fair dealings with landowners.

Photo Credit: istock-alenamozhjer

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Categories: New York, Government & Policy

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