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Agricultural Influencers Can Apply for Regional Advanced Soil Health Training Course

Agricultural Influencers Can Apply for Regional Advanced Soil Health Training Course

American Farmland Trust (AFT) is inviting agricultural influencers working in corn, soy, wheat, cotton, and dairy systems to apply for Advanced Soil Health Training. This one-year training course is made up of four two-day in-person, in-region training sessions offered in the Midwest, Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, New York, and New England.

AFT defines influencers as soil-health successful farmers and other agricultural professionals who are ready to become Soil Health Advisors to farmers looking to implement climate-smart practices on their farms. The goal of the training is to scale up the adoption of climate-smart practices by establishing trained leaders in farming communities who can provide trusted technical guidance and facilitate peer-to-peer learning and networking. Participants will be selected with a specific focus on identifying and engaging underserved producers.

They will include soil health successful farmers, retailers, consultants, trainers and community leaders, non-profit staff, and other agricultural services providers. Application information is available online.

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Photo Credit: istock-sandramatic

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Categories: New York, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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