By Blake Jackson
New York Farm Bureau President David Fisher presented his testimony at the New York State Legislature's Joint Public Hearing on Package Reduction, addressing a proposed Extended Producer Responsibility Program that could shift recycling responsibilities from municipalities to producers. Fisher expressed significant concerns about the potential financial burdens on agricultural producers, including dairy farms, processors, wineries, cideries, and food and beverage producers relying on packaging, which could have implications for food safety due to restrictions on certain plastic packaging.
Fisher emphasized that many farm producers are ill-prepared for the administrative and financial responsibilities associated with such a transition, especially considering the current challenges faced by the agricultural sector, including the economic downturn and rising inflation.
In his testimony, Fisher urged legislators to collaborate with stakeholders, including New York Farm Bureau, to develop a more reasonable approach for reducing packaging and waste. He stressed the importance of conducting an impact study to address the substantial questions and uncertainties surrounding the proposed legislation.
"We believe legislation involving such a complex shift in the current system, which could significantly affect farms and businesses, requires broader stakeholder input and a thorough impact study before moving forward," Fisher stated. He also pointed out the need for clarity on aspects such as the creation of producer responsibility organizations, overall costs, and the management of out-of-state packaging.
Photo Credit: new-york-farm-bureau
Categories: New York, Business