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Rural mental health webinar - Muckville documentary spotlight

Rural mental health webinar - Muckville documentary spotlight

By Blake Jackson

NY FarmNet is addressing the critical issue of mental health in rural communities with a free webinar scheduled for May 29. The webinar will feature the creators of "Muckville," a documentary shedding light on the mental health crisis among farmers.

The documentary follows the story of Christopher Pawelski, a fourth-generation onion farmer from Goshen, New York, who faced significant challenges, including weather events, family health issues, and financial struggles, leading to a mental health crisis.

Despite thoughts of suicide and depression, Pawelski sought help and made significant changes to his farm with the support of NY FarmNet and his wife.

During the webinar, NY FarmNet will screen the documentary and host a live Q&A session with Pawelski and filmmaker Jeff Mertz. The discussion will focus on farmer mental health in New York State and efforts to raise awareness and support within the agricultural community.

Pawelski's journey from crisis to advocacy highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues in farming communities. By sharing his story, he hopes to encourage others to seek help and support.

The webinar is open to the public and offers an opportunity for farmers and agricultural professionals to learn about resources available and engage in discussions about mental health challenges in the industry. Join NY FarmNet on May 29 for this important conversation on farmer mental health and advocacy.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-richlegg

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Categories: New York, Rural Lifestyle

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