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Boost corn resilience - the importance of soil health

Boost corn resilience - the importance of soil health

By Blake Jackson

Soil health plays a crucial role for corn growers aiming to enhance their resilience against increasingly difficult growing conditions and to achieve sustainability objectives.

In New York, understanding the factors that contribute to robust cropping systems is essential for farmers striving to meet these goals.

In 2023, with funding from the New York Corn Growers Association's Corn Research and Education program, valuable soil health data was gathered through the NY Corn Silage Hybrid Evaluation Program.

This annual hybrid evaluation initiative allows farmers to compare the performance of the same corn hybrids across various growing environments.

By utilizing the Cornell Assessment of Soil Health (CASH) test to measure key soil health parameters at each site, researchers gained important insights into how soil health influences the overall productivity of crops grown in diverse locations.

This commitment to understanding and improving soil health is vital for ensuring sustainable agricultural practices that benefit both farmers and the environment.

By focusing on soil health, corn growers can enhance their crop resilience and contribute to the long-term viability of their operations.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-dszc

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Categories: New York, Crops, Corn, Sustainable Agriculture

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