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Jericho High's Manfred Lim wins Grow-NY Youth Competition

Jericho High's Manfred Lim wins Grow-NY Youth Competition

By Blake Jackson

Manfred Lim, a student from Jericho High School, has emerged as the winner of the fourth annual Grow-NY Youth Competition, securing a $3,000 prize.

The competition, held in Ithaca, New York, is a platform for young entrepreneurs to showcase innovative ideas in the field of food systems and agricultural technology.

Lim's winning idea, SONDA (Selective Offshore Noise Dampening Apparatus), addresses underwater noise pollution by adapting noise-canceling technology for marine use. This innovative solution has the potential to benefit marine life and the fishing industry.

The Grow-NY Youth Competition, organized by Cornell Cooperative Extension, New York State 4-H, New York Future Farmers of America, and New York Agriculture in the Classroom, offers young innovators a chance to pitch their ideas to a panel of experts. This year's event included pitch preparation sessions, a cheese-making workshop, and networking opportunities.

“The Grow-NY Youth Competition provides a stage for students to practice their critical thinking skills and develop the ability to look at the world as problem solvers,” said Katie Carpenter, director of New York Agriculture in the Classroom.

“It’s exciting to see how young entrepreneurs are investing not only in growing their businesses but also intentionally contributing to our communities and the natural world through their agriculture and food systems innovations,” said Alexa Maille, interim New York State 4-H program leader and competition judge.

BeeSafe, a project developed by Jericho High School students Summer Malick, Samantha Woltman, and Clay Beer, secured second place and a $2,000 prize. BeeSafe is a device designed to protect beehives from wax moth infestations using a trap lamp.

Coconana, created by Aiden Melendez, Daniel Pimentel, and Ramel Defran from All Hallows High School, took third place and a $1,000 prize. Coconana focuses on developing biodegradable packaging using agricultural waste like banana peels, coconut husks, and orange peels.

Photo Credit: grow-ny

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