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New York farmers face planting delays

New York farmers face planting delays

By Blake Jackson

New York farmers faced limited opportunities to work their fields during the week ending May 12th, 2024, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service. With only 4 days suitable for fieldwork, planting progress lagged behind the usual pace for several crops.

Despite the limited fieldwork window, soil moisture conditions remained favorable across the state. Topsoil moisture was rated 75% adequate and 24% surplus, with no reports of very short or short moisture supplies. Subsoil moisture mirrored this trend, with 79% adequate and 21% surplus.

Here's a look at how planting progress compares to past years and averages:

  • Apples: While green tip development is slightly ahead of the 5-year average, blooming stages are lagging behind.
  • Barley: Planting is behind schedule compared to last year and the average.
  • Corn: Corn planting is significantly behind pace, with only 11% complete compared to the 5-year average of 13%.
  • Oats: Oat planting is progressing similarly to the historical average.
  • Potatoes: Potato planting has just begun, and data is not available for past years.
  • Soybeans: Similar to corn, soybean planting is well behind the average.
  • Winter Wheat: Winter wheat is starting to head, but data for past years is not available.

While these early planting numbers may seem concerning, weather conditions can significantly impact progress throughout the growing season. New York farmers will be hoping for better weather in the coming weeks to catch up on planting and ensure a successful harvest.

Photo Credit: pexels-greta-hoffman

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Categories: New York, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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