By Blake Jackson
New York farmers faced another week with limited fieldwork opportunities (4 suitable days) ending June 30th, 2024. However, good news lies in the ample soil moisture conditions, with topsoil reported as 0% very short, 5% short, and the remaining 95% ranging from adequate to surplus. Subsoil moisture mirrored this positive trend with similar ratings.
Apple development continued steadily, with most trees reaching the green tip (95%) and pink stages (94%). Barley planting and emergence progressed, with nearly all barley planted (93%) and 79% emerged. Barley heading reached 46%, slightly ahead of the 5-year average.
Fieldwork on vegetables like cabbage planting advanced to 64%, while hay producers made significant headway on the first cutting of alfalfa hay (93%) and other types of hay (89%). The second cutting of alfalfa hay is also underway at 41% complete.
Corn planting reached near completion at 96%, with emergence at 88%. Oat development showed good progress, with 91% emerged and 53% headed. Planting progressed for onions (80%) and potatoes (88%).
Soybean planting reached 96%, with emergence at 86%. Sweet corn and snap bean planting also continued, reaching 73% and 35% completion, respectively. Winter wheat continued to head out, with 91% of the crop in this stage.
Overall, while fieldwork was limited, New York farmers were able to capitalize on favorable soil moisture conditions to make significant progress across various crops.
Photo Credit: usda
Categories: New York, Crops, Corn, Soybeans