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New York crop progress - week ending July 21, 2024

New York crop progress - week ending July 21, 2024

By Blake Jackson

New York farmers saw favorable conditions for fieldwork last week, with 5 suitable days out of 7. Soil moisture levels were adequate for most crops, with 74% of topsoil and 80% of subsoil categorized as adequate.

Here's a look at some key crop developments:

  • Barley: Head emergence reached 85%, exceeding both last week's figure (75%) and the five-year average (72%). Grain harvest also progressed well, with 40% complete compared to 27% historically for this time.
  • Hay: The second cutting of alfalfa hay is nearly finished, with 78% complete. This surpasses both last week's progress (66%) and the five-year average (62%). Progress on other hay varieties also outpaced the historical average, with 48% of the second cutting complete.
  • Corn: While corn silking is still in its early stages at 18%, it's ahead of last week's 11%. Average corn height is 56 inches, similar to the typical height for this time of year.
  • Soybeans: Blooming progressed slightly to 27% but remains behind the five-year average of 38%.
  • Other Crops: Oat heading is nearly complete at 90%, exceeding both last year's (92%) and the historical average (76%). Onion harvest reached 13%, a significant increase from previous years. Winter wheat harvest is almost finished at 56%.

Overall, New York farmers made good progress last week despite slightly lower-than-ideal moisture conditions. Harvest is underway for several crops, and development for others is on track or exceeding historical averages.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-mvburling

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Categories: New York, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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