New York agriculture leaders are concerned about the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill and other regulations that will affect farmers.
The 2023 Farm Bill is a major piece of legislation that sets funding for agriculture programs and policies. It is renewed every five years. The current bill, which was passed in 2018, costs $867 billion. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the 2023 bill could cost up to $1.51 trillion.
Farmers are concerned about the cost of the 2023 Farm Bill because they are already facing rising costs for inputs like feed, fuel, and fertilizer. They are worried that the bill will not provide enough funding for programs that help them manage risk, such as crop insurance. They are also concerned that the bill could include budget cuts for conservation programs.
In addition to the Farm Bill, farmers are also concerned about new overtime rules for farmworkers. In February, New York officials finalized a rule that will decrease the overtime threshold for farmworkers from 60 hours to 40 over the next 10 years. This means that farmers will have to pay overtime to farmworkers who work more than 40 hours per week.
Farmers are worried about how the new overtime rules will impact on their bottom line. They are concerned that they will have to cut hours or raise prices to cover the increased costs. They are also concerned about how the new rules will affect their ability to attract and retain farm workers.
The state of New York has agreed to provide a tax credit to offset the increased costs of overtime for farm workers. However, farmers are concerned about how timely the credit will be. They need to budget for the increased costs of overtime in advance, and they are not sure when they will receive the tax credit.
New York agriculture leaders are working with state lawmakers to address farmers' concerns. They are hoping to secure additional funding for Farm Bill and to make sure that the state tax credit is timely. They are also working to raise awareness of new overtime rules and to help farmers comply with the law.
Categories: New York, General