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Free vineyard soil day - boost concord grapes

Free vineyard soil day - boost concord grapes

By Blake Jackson

Concord grape growers are invited to attend the comprehensive Vineyard Soil Health Field Day at Betts Farm on Wednesday, June 12th, 2024, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

This free event, part of the 2024 Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Field Days, focuses on sustainable practices to optimize soil health and improve vineyard management for Concord grapes.

The day features presentations from Cornell University and industry experts, covering the significance of soil health in perennial fruit systems, the latest findings from cover crop trials, and effective cover crop selection strategies.

Additionally, attendees can participate in interactive demonstrations, including a soil pit examination and a roller crimping technique showcase.

This event provides an excellent opportunity for Concord grape growers to gain valuable knowledge, network with peers, and discover practical solutions to enhance their vineyards' sustainability and productivity. It takes place at Betts Farm (7366 East Route 20, Westfield, NY 14787) and offers 1.5 DEC credits for participants. Click here for registration.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-willhowecreative

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