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New York's Bid to Bring Back Whole Milk in Schools

New York's Bid to Bring Back Whole Milk in Schools

In a bold move aimed at enhancing child nutrition and supporting the dairy industry, the New York Senate Agriculture Committee has voiced its recommendation to Congress.

The committee, headed by Chair Michelle Hinchey, has made an appeal to permit the serving of 2% and whole milk in schools once again. This provision is proposed to be included in the 2023 Farm Bill.

Hinchey, in her letter, emphatically states, "The nutritional value of milk is unmatched." She goes on to point out the presence of beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids in whole milk, with its maximum fat content being only 3.5%. Such nutrients contribute to health benefits including improved heart and brain health, and reduced cancer risk.

Hinchey cites a 2020 New York Times report, claiming children who consume whole milk are 39% less likely to be overweight compared to peers drinking low-fat or skim milk. Hence, she urges the Federal Government to reassess restrictions on whole milk in public schools, arguing the current policy is based on outmoded information.

New York's dairy farmers, numbering more than 3,500, annually generate approximately 15 billion lbs. of milk. Hinchey believes that reintroducing whole and 2% milk in schools would stimulate the local dairy industry, thus strengthening the state's economy.

Backing this proposal, Senator George Borrello commends Hinchey and the Senate Agriculture Committee, lauding whole milk as "nature’s original health drink." He affirms the drink's richness in calcium and essential nutrients that foster good health in all age groups. He concludes by supporting the provision of milk variety in schools, which he believes will also enhance the market for dairy producers.

Photo Credit: istock-fcafotodigital

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Categories: New York, Government & Policy, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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